As you can see, the two to the left are much shorter than the others. Another thing I noticed taking these pictures was that the bottoms of the longer locks look plumper and thicker than the roots. I'm not sure if that's because the roots are freshly tightened or if it's because the locks are just too thin. If that is the case, I'm really tempted to use some of the sisterlock conditioner, even though my locks aren't fully developed... hmm?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My Lost Locks :-(
My First Installation
I am proud to announce that I have officially completed my very first sisterlock installation this past Thanksgiving weekend!!! I was really nervous because my mentor/consultant was out of town, along with everyone else who works in the shop. So I had nobody there to coach me, but it all turned out good.
I did have a little trouble doing this clients hair only because she had thinning hair which made it kind of difficult to determine the right parting size to use, even though the sisterlock trainer gave us instructions on determining correct parting sizes. But I'm also thankful she didn't have a head full of hair like I do; otherwise it would have taken a very, very long time
All in all, it took 16 1/2 hours to complete this installation. She seemed pleased with the results, especially with how her hair line turned out. She was concerned with what the sisterlocks would look like around her receding hair line, but she was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
Another thing I appreciated about this client, was the fact that she knew the sisterlocks wouldn't come out looking like full luscious locks at first. She completely understood the amount of scalp that would be showing during the first couple of weeks of having sisterlocks. I thank her for her understanding and knowledge of the sisterlock system!!
I'm becoming more and more excited about this new journey in my life. There are more and more people interested in getting sisterlocks now that they know I'm a official trainee. Now I feel as though I truly represent sisterlocks, and with that, I'm beginning to take more of an effort in promoting the true versatility that sisterlocks offer. What I mean by that is I'm putting in an effort in styling my hair different ways so that people can see that having sisterlocks can be like having "normal" (for lack of a better word at the moment) hair. I'll post some pictures of the hairstyles that I've been trying later
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
New product for dandruff
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sisterlocks Training in San Diego

(Me and Master Trainer Michelle Bryant)
WOO WOO, I am now and official sisterlock trainee!! San Diego was freakin great. It's weird I say that because I didn't really get to visit the city, I was mainly in a part of town called North Park just because the class was from 8am to 5pm, and we had homework, which was to do fifty locks a night. So I was up until like 1am every night. But I still enjoyed myself. Just being able to fellowship with other sisters who all have the same thing in common was a unique feeling and now I understand what people mean when they say sisterlocks is truly a sisterhood. The ladies taking the class were so sweet and generous. The first day I had to ride the bus class but then one of the women offered me a ride to and from class. Another lady, Miss Vivian, also offered me a ride to the airport the day I was leaving. I was especially glad for her cause I was really stressin about how I was going to get to the airport. Yeah I know I was trippin.

Dr. Cornwell giving us pointers
My stay at the hotel in San Diego was very interesting. I got there on Friday and checked in. I decided to just put my bags down and figure out which bus I was going to catch to get to the class the next day. So I got back to my room that evening and started to settle down. I then hear this noise that sounded like someone was moving furniture beneath me. Turns out, my room was directly above the underground parking garage gate. So I inform the front desk and they said they'd move me the next day cause they didn't have any vacant rooms that night. So the next night, I stayed in an even better room so I didn't complain, that is until I heard the people above me running around. So I go to their room and politely ask them to keep it down, and he gives me a subtle attitude. As soon as I get back to my room, I hear a huge thud, like someone had dropped a bowling ball. So I call the room and some words were exchanged. I went to the front desk again, and they moved me again. I hadn't even stayed one night in the second room. When I get to the third room, I'm just blown away. This room had a living room with a fireplace and french doors leading to the balcony overlooking a main street. The bedroom had a king size bed and also had double doors leading to the same balcony. The bathroom was nothing special though, but I was still shocked. I had to go to the front desk and make sure they weren't charging me extra for this room/apartment. From then on, I had no complaints about my room!
Gay Pride Protest
While on a lunch break in Cali, I got to witness my first real protest. These people were protesting the ban on gay marriage. Interesting. Another interesting part of San Diego is they don't have green Chile. I just figured Cali would. But anyways, I survived.
Friday, November 7, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Breakage!!!! . . . . And Sisterlock Compliments :-)
Now on a lighter note, I'm receiving mad comments on my hair. People at church and a few people at school compliment the sisterlocks. But one person in particular really surprised me with their compliments. She's my supervisor and for the past couple of weeks she's been telling me that she loves my hair like this and it's so cute. Now I just have to mention that she is Hispanic and she is also the only non-black person to give me any type of compliment on my hair. Prior to her telling me this, I wasn't sure about what other races thought of my hair, especially my co-workers. I told a few of them about my decision to lock my hair so only they knew about the process from beginning to end, but the rest of them didn't know anything and haven't asked about what it is I have in my hair. My thought is that for the past three years, my co-workers were use to me changing my hair every few weeks. Everything from straight, to curly, from crimped, to braided, from flammin red, to jet black, from chopped off, to down my back the next day. . . and the list goes on. Perhaps they just seen my hair locked up one day and assumed it was just another hair style that would change next week.
IT'S COMING!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Becoming a sisterlock Consultant?

This past weekend I saw Israel Houghton live!!! Actually I really didn't know who he was at first; all I knew was that he was a gospel artist. I had no idea what he sang. See the City of Albuquerque sponsored it's first annual Gospel Fest on Sunday, and he was the main act, along with a group called the covenant messengers and a local 300 voice mass choir. It was a nice event and sooooo many people showed up; a lot more than I expected. So when Israel (a native of New Mexico!! Woo Woo!!) started singing, I was like, "ooh, I know that song, and that song too. I didn't know he sang that!!" So crazy. But it was live and I had a good time.
On to other things, hair things, I got my hair retightened this past weekend and it has grown sooooo much. But it seems to be growing outward like a fro instead of downward, whatever, growth is growth and I can definitely tell. My stylist only took 3 hours too!!! Amazing. Usually she takes 4 1/2 to 5 hours. Part of that was because I had retightened the front portion myself, and the other part is because home girl is getting quicker. Amen!! Not that she was slow, it's just now I can save two hours worth of money.
Now about employment opportunities. Just to give you a little history, I've been employed with the city for three years. I was first hired under the terms of as long as I was a student in high school or college, I could work part-time under the "student status". Two years ago, the city decided to do away with that policy and changed it to a "two year temporary status". So basically my two years will be up in December and they're getting rid of me. so I've had the option to get around that rule by quitting for 3 weeks before my December termination date and then starting my two years over. I've also been offered another job by my hair stylist. She's going to be moving to China in March for two years and needs someone to be a sisterlock consultant until she gets back; seeing that she's the only sisterlock consultant in Albuquerque and she has 13 clients that need they hair did. I have a few other options but these are the two that I'm considering. So both opportunities have pros and cons. When it comes to the city, I know how it works, I've met invaluable connections, they're super flexible with my school schedule, and my job duties are minor. But there's a lot of pettiness, I can only work between mon-fri 8-5, I have to schedule my school schedule around office hours, and I don't see myself aqcuiring many skills within the department. With becoming a sisterlock consultant, I can pretty much schedule clients around my school schedule, it's an opportunity to learn more about natural hair care, and the atmosphere isn't so uptight. But I have a lot of uncertainty and reservations about how professional she is sense it is an independent business. That's pretty much my biggest and only concern with working for her. I'm pretty much uncomfortable with stepping into the "unknown." But I pretty much know what my decision will be, but I need to get confirmation from myself. (If that makes any sense.)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sisterlock Journey Recap
Sisterlock Package:
The Consultation- Your consultant should ask you about hair care past and styling perfrences in order to determine an appropriate lock size and pattern. (the pattern is dependant on the texture of your hair) They should also show you a video and discuss pricing. The last part of this visit is the installation of test locks that you will have to wear for a week or two (I'm not 100 percent sure about this time frame). For me, Neema put in two above my ear, and a few in the back towards the nape of my neck.
The Locking Session- This is when all of the locks are installed, which can take from 10 to 30 hours!! You'll also get a "starter kit" that has rubber bands to band your hair before washing and shampoo.
The Follow-up- This is your first retightening session which should be free. (included in the initial price you paid) You should have washed your hair at least once prior to going in so your consultant can check for any slipping of the hair.
So that's basically what the package consists of, perhaps there are a few things I failed to speak about, but I think I covered the most important details. I guess the only other thing I can say is to ask lots of questions when you go in for your consultation, and also ask to see pictures of their work.
Below are some pictures of my journey from the past six months, the beginnig to the present. Enjoy!!
Day Two- Just about done except for a patch of hair in the middle. She did this cute little updo because I had to go to work the next day.
This was after my first washing. Just to let you know, I opted to keep my relaxed ends, which was about 4-6 inches.
This was after about a month. As you can see, the ends are very straight. Actually, I can't really tell my hair is locked in this picture.
August 2008- One day I got tired of looking at my stringy relaxed ends in the front and I decided to cut my hair myself. I did a decent job, but my bangs came out kinda crazy.
Hair Time Line
My Old Hair Habits From The Past Year
I started rockin this two toned wig a while back and started wearing it less and less because I didn't like the flaming red color.
I call this the "side swoop". I wore this style when I had long pressed/relaxed hair. In this picture, my hair was corn rolled on one side and the other side was braided into individual braids. I loved this style.
This here is another wig I use to wear when I didn't feel like doing my hair.
So you can see how long my hair was in a Mohawk. I'd say it touched my shoulders if let all the way down.
First roller set. During this time in December/January, I was trying a new hair care regimen, which consisted of a pre-poo, wash, deep condition, roller set, and a saran wrap treatment. It took at least two hours to do all of that. I did this every two weeks!
This was my first big hair cut in two years. In January of 2008 I cut about three inches of hair!
Afro Mohawk. So this was right before I got my sisterlocks installed. Kind of transitioning to a more natural look.
I think my hair had been locked for about a month, maybe two. But here you can see I still have relaxed ends, also curled very easily using sponge rollers
First time using a curling iron on locks. I don't suggest you use a curling iron on your locks, especially if they aren't fully formed. But if you choose to do so, make sure you use the lowest heat setting.
My birthday wig. As you can see, I really like wearing wigs; my mom says I have a head made for wigs. Lol
Alot has happened to my hair within this past year. I might post a few more pictures of when my hair use to be a little longer. When I look back at my pictures, sometimes I miss my "old hair" but then I think about the maintenance with sisterlocks and how they are steadily changing and I rediscover the reasons behind my deciding to get sisterlocks.